Sunday, November 19, 2006

Meeting with 3 Gen Ed teachers

Tomorrow is my first meeting with 3 general education teachers who are going to begin implementing UDL strategies into their classes. Some of the things we will be deciding tomorrow are: Will they start right away (probably not), will they slowly begin implementing this school year (maybe) or will they receive training this school year and use the summer to help refine goals, add new ways to present their curriculum and new ways for the students to show what they've learned along with adding more motivating, out of the box activities that go along with their curriculum-basically waiting until next school year to begin implementing(maybe). I'm willing to work with any of the 3 alternatives. To help make this transition the easiest on me, we will be implementing Sue Hardin's 'Begin with Me!' project. She has created a very comprehensive approach to increase writing skills in students that allows technology to be integrated into the curriculum for all students. I've just ordered The Writer Ultra Lab which includes 30 Writers (similar to Alphasmarts but I prefer the Writer's built in features) some software, resources and best of all a laptop and printer all on a mobile cart. The gen ed classrooms will be sharing the cart. I already have Kidspiration and Inspiration, spell checkers, Universal Reader as well as headphones/mic so it looks like my toolkits are ready. I wonder if the teachers are as nervous about meeting me as I am of meeting them. I'll let you know how the meeting went next time...

Friday, November 17, 2006

Local AT Teams

So I'm trying to set up Assistive Technology teams in 6 local school districts. Currently I'm the only AT person in Allegan, and although we are rural and don't have the numbers larger schools have, I still can't be in two places at one time. I have been able to buy great Christmas presents with my mileage reimbursement checks I receive from all the traveling I do in our county. Here is my pitch to the Special Ed Supervisors to try to get Local AT Teams established:

"Blah blah...One of the projects I would first like to get started is to develop local Assistive Technology teams. I’m leaving it up to you to decide who your ‘team’ would be, or if you would even like to participate. Your team should consist of at least 2 people who are interested in using technology to help students participate fully in their education. It would be ideal to have one ancillary and one teacher from one of your buildings, but who ever is willing to do it is fine. I have set aside a total of $5,000 for stipends for team members, so depending on how many people are participating, they will receive somewhere between $350-$500 for being part of the A.T. Team this year. Here are the requirements for the team members:

Attend monthly meetings (some face-to-face, some via other forms) First meeting will be in November!

Complete an online class: A.T. in the Local School Districts (monthly meetings will revolve around class)

Write a grant-Breaking Down Barriers to Assistive Technology- (they are guaranteed to receive the grant)

Provide their local district information regarding Assistive Technology (this may be in the form of newsletters/memo, talking with teachers and ancillary staff at meetings, etc...)

Complete a pre and post survey of their knowledge of A.T.

A.T. team members will receive:
A stipend, upon completing the pre and post survey at the end of the school year

Mileage reimbursement for attending monthly meetings

Free online course on Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology software for all students in their buildings (grant mentioned above)

Access to Allegan’s Assistive Technology lab and Lending Library

The first A.T. monthly meeting will either be on Tuesday November 21 or Tuesday November 28 (after school at the Development Center) depending on preference of teams. Please send me your team members’ names and email addresses via email to: as soon as you have them. If you are not going to have a local A. T. team please let me know that as well. "

So how many takers do I have so far...ZERO. I'm assuming that as soon as I remind the supervisors that I need a response, I will be able to get at least 2 or 3 to commit. But I wouldn't be honest if I didn't let you know how disappointed I was...I'm wondering if maybe we are too small to have local AT teams...if maybe I should be working in a bigger school district...But I've shaken off the bad feelings and am determined to get at least 2 teams established this school year. I KNOW that it is what's best for our county. The teachers and the students need the support. On the good side, the participants will get larger stipends because I won't have to share the money with as many participants as I thought. And if I still don't get any takers...I wonder how much it costs to clone you think the $5000 stipend would cover it??

Next time I'll write about UDL and how I hope to get started implementing it in our locals...YIKES! But I have a plan...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

November 15

Welcome to my first blog...ever! I was recently awarded a service contract to to work with MITS (Michigan's Integrated Technology Supports) in a joint effort to begin the process of establashing UDL in our schools. What is UDL? I'll get to that later...I will be using this blog to vent, boast, share and de-stress about what happens when you trying for systemic change in education. Here are some of my goals and activities I hope to accomplish this year in Allegan County, MI:

Introduce all teachers and special education staff to concept of UDL via a guest speaker, Online Learning, Video Conferencing and Hands-on Learning.

Implement UDL in classrooms by providing technology, teaching strategies and professional development for staff. (Start with one school, offer incentives)

Establish local Assistive Technology teams and help them provide referral, assessment and ongoing documentation of effective use of AT. (Offer incentives)

Work closely with Technology Coordinators and Curriculum Directors in Allegan to aid in implementation of technology and curriculum materials.

Work with counties in Region 3 and throughout the state to share resources including bargaining power for lower prices on equipment and software; sharing used equipment; sharing national speakers, sharing local expertise.

Develop a searchable database of equipment in lending library including an online ‘catalog’ of equipment in the lending library.

Develop online courses for most frequently used AT equipment and tools.

Implement new technology and strategies, such as neural feedback for ADHD and LD students.

and of course-Anything else the AAESA (Allegan Area Educational Service Agency-my employer) deems appropriate for this position.

Not sure if you noticed, but I included a few 'incentives' along the way. Yes, it has gotten to the point that teachers are so busy and overworked that adding monetary motivation deems necessary. Good teachers work at least 2 hours a day overtime without getting paid. Incentives are my way of saying I noticed you are a hard worker and if you want to add 'this' into your already busy life, you will be rewarded.

You'll soon be able to tell if I bit off a little more than I could blog will provide info and update on how I'm trying to establish local AT Teams...I'm off to participate in a Webinar
entitled Every Child is Listening: Proven Steps to Increase Student Attention and Classroom Learning . Later!